Wednesday 13 June 2012

Cultural olympics - Evaluation

I think that we worked well in a group because we evenly split the workload between us. This was so that neither of us had more work to do than the other one. We also did this so that we could help improve the quality of our work, as neither of us had to loads to do while the other one was sat there doing nothing. When it came to working on my own I believe that the work I had done was detailed and done to a high standard. I believe this was the case with the rest of the group too. Again this was possible because we shared the workload evenly. We also shared the workload and played to each of our strengths. We used a range of programs to complete our project including adobe illustrator, Photoshop, along with Microsoft word. By using adobe Photoshop and Illustrator I think that we managed to create some creative ideas that would be fit for our target audience. 
During the project we managed our time constructively I think. On most tasks we managed to get it done within our 2 or 3 hour lessons, only a few of the tasks, such as the creative task took us longer than one lesson. This was because for a while we didn’t have any creative ideas for the types of marketing we had chosen. This was one of the few challenges we came across. Although once we got some ideas together we managed to create the designs quite quickly. This also left time to do the other written tasks. During the time we had to d the project one of the challenges we had to overcome was a few absences from the group, although this was a challenge it wasn’t difficult to overcome due to the way in which we had managed the tasks, because we knew what we had to get done, so we could get on with the individual tasks if a member wasn’t hear.

I think one of the main strengths during the project was our written work, as I think we managed to complete this with a good amount of content and detail to cover the criteria.
Although we didn’t have much trouble with the designing side of the project I do think this could be a possible weakness, if we had had more time I think we could have designed more creative marketing ideas.

Over all I think we did well in this project due to the way we managed our time and tasks. There was also no trouble between group members and no one member did any less work than the other or to a different standard. 

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