Wednesday 13 June 2012

Cultural olympics - Evaluation

I think that we worked well in a group because we evenly split the workload between us. This was so that neither of us had more work to do than the other one. We also did this so that we could help improve the quality of our work, as neither of us had to loads to do while the other one was sat there doing nothing. When it came to working on my own I believe that the work I had done was detailed and done to a high standard. I believe this was the case with the rest of the group too. Again this was possible because we shared the workload evenly. We also shared the workload and played to each of our strengths. We used a range of programs to complete our project including adobe illustrator, Photoshop, along with Microsoft word. By using adobe Photoshop and Illustrator I think that we managed to create some creative ideas that would be fit for our target audience. 
During the project we managed our time constructively I think. On most tasks we managed to get it done within our 2 or 3 hour lessons, only a few of the tasks, such as the creative task took us longer than one lesson. This was because for a while we didn’t have any creative ideas for the types of marketing we had chosen. This was one of the few challenges we came across. Although once we got some ideas together we managed to create the designs quite quickly. This also left time to do the other written tasks. During the time we had to d the project one of the challenges we had to overcome was a few absences from the group, although this was a challenge it wasn’t difficult to overcome due to the way in which we had managed the tasks, because we knew what we had to get done, so we could get on with the individual tasks if a member wasn’t hear.

I think one of the main strengths during the project was our written work, as I think we managed to complete this with a good amount of content and detail to cover the criteria.
Although we didn’t have much trouble with the designing side of the project I do think this could be a possible weakness, if we had had more time I think we could have designed more creative marketing ideas.

Over all I think we did well in this project due to the way we managed our time and tasks. There was also no trouble between group members and no one member did any less work than the other or to a different standard. 

Cultural olympics - Creative Breif

Greater London Authority (GLA)

The Cultural Olympic Committee will be organising the festival in London trying to present eight hundred new and innovative events such as Bell Ringing and Classical Orchestras.  They will take advantage of London’s cultural heritage and effectively promote a strong visually appealing concept.

Since its launch the Cultural Olympiad has been scarcely known and the wide variety of performances have been the driving force to promote it, however the GLA feel it needs to be refreshed and needs a new way to promote the events.

Product Profile:
The Cultural Olympiad began when London was awarded the “Sporting Olympics” and is Eight hundred gripping events spread across a 4-week period and throughout the U.K. Certain events such as professional theatre performances will hold the “Cultural Olympiad Banner” and use it as a way of promoting their particular event.

“Innovative cultural acts”

“Classical Cultural acts”

“International cultural genius”

Target Market:
Our target audience will be very broad, we plan to get the Cultural Olympics to become an interest with people of all ages within the British community. This is our initial target group, but potentially it could go onto target people of different nationalities. We think it could potentially become as big as the Olympics as it will be running alongside, it could help to promote the Olympics and itself at the same time. By targeting a broad audience we think that it will become more of a known event, rather than just focusing on one age group.

Creative Requirements:
To create a fresh outlook on the Cultural Olympics and reinvent the style and views on the acts and performances, using outdoor advertising and the Internet.

£10m (To include development, Design, Production, Planning and Media Costs)

Cultural olympics - Media Schedule

CAMPAIGN DURATION:.......................................................................................................................................................................

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9...








Cultural olympics - Marketing Plan

Product definition:

The product in which we are marketing is essentially a campaign for the Cultural Olympiad. To market this we have chosen to create a variety of bus stop advertising posters, leaflets and adverts on the side of buses. We’ve decided on these marketing techniques because we feel that in London these would be the best way to get something noticed, as there are buses everywhere, along with bus stops. The leaflet advertising would also help the campaign as we could put them through people’s doors to gain more attention and possibly get people to look into it in their own homes.

Situation Analysis:

The Cultural Olympiad has the problem that it hasn’t been marketed very well and that no one knows anything about it. One of the problems being that it runs alongside the Olympics which people are a lot more interested in. we believe that with our marketing plan we can help to raise a better awareness around London before the event is due to start. By bringing awareness to London it will slowly spread bringing more attention to the event.

Competitive environment:

One of the problems that the Cultural Olympiad will have is the fact that it takes place the same time as a lot of other festivals. This will be a problem as a lot of people go to the music events every year because these events have famous bands performing. Although the event does offer a wide variety of performances, music, art, dance, acting, most of the acts are either brand new or ones people haven’t heard of. One thing that our event does have over the other festivals is the fact that most of the events are free to watch, only a few cost to enter. 

Target market/ market research data:

Essentially our target audience is to any and everyone who would be interested in this event, we haven’t narrowed it down to just one specific age group. This is because no one age group will be interested in the event, and it’s open to all ages. This means our marketing scheme has to be suitable for all ages.

Action Plan:

We’re going to use both TV advertising, print advertising, web and outdoors. We would also use PR events to help promote the cultural Olympics.

Or TV advertising we planned to use a flash mob. This would be where for a set amount of weeks we would show just an image on TV. This would get the audience intrigued into what the advert would be for, making them wanting to find out. Right near the end of the advertising campaign we would release the whole advert of all the images to help promote the cultural Olympiad. By the end we would hope that it would have attracted and interested a lot of people and they would have wanted to find out more about the event.

The print advertising would be products such as leaflets and flyers, these would be available in most places and would possibly be distributed along with newspapers and to peoples houses. The advertising would also consist of posters se around in local places. These print adverts would include a QR code so smartphone users would be able to scan the code to find more information on the event online from the official website or the Facebook page.

For the web advertising we would create Facebook pages, Twitter pages, possibly a YouTube page. We could also create some promotional web banners to have shown on certain sites to help promote it. The Facebook and twitter pages could help keep people up-to date on the event itself and what’s happening. The YouTube page could show some videos of certain events to highlight what the event is about and what will be included in it.

The outdoors advertising would be promotional posters that we could have on the side of buses and possibly billboards around towns and cities. These would be aimed more at people traveling on the road so they would have to have small amounts of information so people can read it. They would also have to be attractive. These posters could also be included into bus stops so that people walking by, or waiting for the bus could get information about the event. On the bus stop one we could include a QR code so people with a smartphone could scan it and it could be liked to the official website or possibly the Facebook page.

The PR events would be things like competitions on the Facebook and Twitter pages. The events would give the audience a chance to win tickets to the paid events in the cultural Olympiad. There would be chances to win some other smaller prizes that would relate to the cultural Olympiad.

Cultural olympics - Marketing strategy

We are aiming to make a successful advertising/marketing campaign to raise awareness of the “Cultural Olympiad.” We want to take advantage of through the line marketing techniques and create a dynamic campaign, which will get the public interested, and talking. By using a high saturation campaign we will reach a very broad audience, this will be by strategically placing marketing in built up areas and utilizing public transport. (Travelling marketing tools)

Cultural olympics - Research

The 'Art' strand of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad features a range of projects and programmes, from large commissions such as Artists Taking the Lead to events within the Inspire programme.

The problem with the Cultural Olympiads is that the branding and marketing is not right. If you were to ask a group of 17-24 year olds only a handful of people would say they have heard of it, maybe even nobody. It has been around for four years and the advertising hasn’t been sufficient to warrant the amount of money being spent on it.

Therefore by introducing advertising on the Internet and T.V would greatly increase the amount of people who have at least heard of it. By getting out the idea and events that the Olympiad will be holding it may improve the acts and events that will be appearing.

Events like “Bell Ringing” and “Opera” will not appeal to the mass markets, these are some of the main events at the Olympics and therefor will not bring in large enough audiences. By introducing various acts like pop music and street dance it will get everyday people involved.

        Very unique.


       Linked to sporting Olympics.

      It stretched over a too long time period.
      There is virtually no advertising or marketing.
      Virtually unknown.
    Add more events.

      Could be a main cultural event.

      Run alongside every Olympics in  different countries.
      Sporting Olympics, it is too strongly associated with it.
      Poor Marketing.


      Festival Season